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Acorn HR Services Compliance Checklist for SMEs
•    Do up to date job descriptions exist for all roles within the business? ☐
•    Do you have a recruitment and selection policy in place?☐
•    Have you selected the right interview structure?☐
•    Are new employees’ references checked?☐

•    Are your employees legally permitted to carry out the work they are employed to do e.g.?  have you checked qualifications,  obtained DBS checks?☐
•    Do you have copies of proof of right to work in the UK for all employees? ☐
•    Are all your employee record files complete and up to date?☐
•    Do all employees have up-to-date contracts and employee handbooks? ☐
•    Have all employees been inducted and received relevant training?☐
•    Do all your employees know the procedures to keep records on sickness, maternity/ paternity, pay and annual leave? ☐
•    Do you have processes in place to deal with pregnant employee/ employee on maternity leave☐
•    Do you carry out return to work interviews after sickness?☐

HR Policies & Procedures
•    Do you have a staff code of conduct in place that has been shared with all employees?☐ 
•    Do you have anti-bullying and anti-harassment policies in place?☐
•    Have all employees had diversity and equality training based on your policy?☐
•    Are all your managers trained in your anti-discriminatory policy?☐
•    Have all employees been informed of the disciplinary and grievance procedure?☐
•    Do you protect your company with a social media policy?☐
•    Do you have systems to ensure that you comply with working time laws?☐
•    Do you have a system in place for documenting regular staff performance appraisals?☐ 
•    Do you monitor absence for patterns and actively manage long term sickness?☐
•    Are pay levels monitored and reviewed?☐
•    Are all your employees paid at least the National Minimum Wage?☐
•    Do exit interviews take place?☐
•    Do you protect your interests with restrictive covenants to limit an employee’s post termination actions?☐

•    Does the company comply with all obligations under the     Data Protection Act 2018 the General Data Protection Regulations 2016?☐
•    Does the company comply with health and safety regulations?☐
•    Do you have procedures in place for maintaining employee records and files?☐
•    Have you started preparing and implementing processes to comply with GDPR?☐


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