10 ways to reduce unconscious bias in the workplace

10 Ways to Reduce Unconscious Bias in the Workplace
Unconscious bias may lead to certain groups being treated less favourably or discriminated against. To help, we have 10 tips on how to reduce bias in the workplace.
When we meet people, as well as judging them based what we see - age, weight and attractiveness - we may judge their accent, where they studied and socio-economic status.
Rapid processing occurs when our brains make quick judgements of people and situations around us, often without us even realising it. This can sometimes lead to unconscious bias. Our biases are likely influenced by our background, our culture and personal experiences. However, these biases can lead to out-groups being treated less favourably and even discrimination.
Research has shown that unintentional bias can have a detrimental impact on recruitment, training and other work-related decisions.
Key equality & diversity facts
Women make up just 17% of boards in FTSE100 companies
Only 8% of FTSE100 board members are BAME, compared to 14% of the overall population
And only 9 of the FTSE100 companies are headed up by BAME individuals
70% of people in national minimum wage jobs are women
38% of women with dependent children work part-time compared to 7% of men
Pregnancy discrimination results in 54,000 women losing their jobs and 44,000 losing out on promotion or pay rises
Top tips to help tackle unconscious bias in your firm
Accept that we all have unconscious biases - It's part of being human but if we don't acknowledge this, we can't tackle it. You can take an Implicit Association Test (IAT) to become more aware of your own biases.
Slow down - Unintentional bias is more likely when you make fast decisions or act on the spur of the moment, so be sure to take a step back.
Monitor your own behaviour - Question your first impressions and extreme reactions to people; reflect on any rapid decisions you make (i.e., were they made objectively or was unconscious bias at play?)
Pay particular attention to bias related to the nine protected characteristics - For example, age, disability, sex, maternity, race, religion, etc - as this is discrimination and hence illegal.
Widen your social circle - Don't sit with the same people every day; move around and spend time with other people from different cultural and academic backgrounds etc. This will build your cultural competence and lead to better understanding.
Set ground rules - Don't tolerate interruptions in your team; make sure everyone gets a fair hearing and has an equal chance to give their opinion.
Avoid making assumptions or relying on gut instinct - For example, "My boss said that she didn't offer me the project because I have a new baby and there's some travel." Don't assume you know best as you may jump to the wrong conclusion.
Use rotas to avoid stereotyping - Have rotas for 'housekeeping' tasks, such as taking the minutes in a meeting, organising refreshments, etc to ensure fairness and reduce the potential for gender stereotyping.
Speak out if you notice bias in your team or by your managers - For example, if a male colleague talks over a female colleague, tactfully point out that you wanted to hear what she had to say. If your boss only ever assigns the stretching projects to the guys or your white colleagues, have a quiet word.
Apologise if you get it wrong - Remember that we can only deal with bias if we're honest and admit our mistakes.
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